Saturday, 10 November 2012

Huaca By Dug

‘Huaca’ is the Peruvian term for all that is sacred and also refers to one who has the ability to locate buried, sacred treasure.
The notion of a sanctified activity, object or place tends to be at odds with contemporary culture; practices set apart from everyday reality may be viewed with suspicion, however the need for an individual to embark on periods of withdrawal and reflection is universal and requires no script to guide it.
Evolving from the work ‘Cuckoon’ shown at How Soon Is Now in May, "Huaca" has been developed as a site-specific piece for The Collection.  Utilising space that is usually hidden from view to the visiting public,  it draws on the sense of the place as a location for digging beneath the surface, uncovering fragments of our past in order to shed light on our present.

Wednesday, 10 October 2012


Aus.cul.ta.tion. This piece was created for Compass at Ayscoughfee Hall in Spalding

The Performance event was curated by Amanda Coogan,

 The dictionary definition of the word AUS.CUL.TA.TION defines it in general terms as the act of listening and in a medical context the use of a stethoscope to monitor sounds within the body. Joana Cifre-Cerda listens to her own body with a stethoscope. She is the only one who can hear the sounds from within whilst the viewer witnesses the time and care taken to perform this intimate act. We are reminded that taking time and space to listen to one's own body and needs is not an easy task and requires strength.

Wednesday, 30 May 2012


Embalspicken is a performace created and performed by Laura Dodgson and Joana Cifre Cerda.This work explores issues of love, power, life and death. It was performed for the Opening show of Crocodiles with a Second Skin Thrash curated by Andrew Bracey and Kate Buckley at Over and Out, Milton Lane. Lincoln.

Friday, 27 April 2012


Cuckoon is a performative video/sound installation by artists Kate Buckley, Ross Oliver and Joana Cifre Cerda.
Animals isolate themselves in order to metamorphose, and we too need periods of isolation and separation to allow for growth and transformation. Sometimes the retreat maybe misinterpreted as mental breakdown yet what results is often the reverse. The act of emergence may be a slow and arduous process as one struggles to breakthrough to subsequent life stages.

In this performance the human is trapped within a cocoon like structure made from sheets of nori seaweed; gradually she licks and chews her way through the wall of the enclosure, consuming the barrier between her and the world. 

The viewer witnesses the emergence remotely via live feed video transmission, much as a biologist would.

Monday, 9 April 2012

Thoughts on Symbiotic Art ( Sím-bi-õ-siss, -bī-) n. Biology.  Any relationship between two or more different organisms in close association, especially one that is of benefit to all the organisms involved.

 For a long time now Art has been  for me a tool to dig deep, to unearth the buried, to disembowel the beast hiding in the mind , to rearrange and realign , to make sense and to share the bounty.  A means of survival. 

There was a time that maybe by sheer ignorance or maybe just pure necessity all these had to be done alone. However in recent years , this animal has realised that to live in symbiosis is much more advantageous… When there are two or three of you you can dig deeper and digest and rearrange faster.. that anything complicated suddenly becomes simple… and that the work of art suddenly swells and shines much more strongly… 

There was a time where collaboration was a struggle and a worry… now I give myself up to it and rejoice...

Wednesday, 29 February 2012

Nidus II

Nidus (Neither Spit nor Diamonds) from kate buckley on Vimeo.

In this version Kate Buckley and Joana Cifre Cerda collaborate with Sound Artist Ross Oliver

Sunday, 22 January 2012


Collaboration between Kate Buckley and Joana Cifre Cerda. "Nidus" is a living sculpture that harbours a living human being in state of growth. The tangled pieces of cotton, yarn, tubing, rope that form the nest embody a psychic tangle.The live human element within evokes the need to fight suffocation in or from our own nidus/nest - from our own psychic  'infections' and to use this nidus as a place where we can evolve and grow from.

Nidus is a collaborative work between Kate Buckley and Joana Cifre Cerda.